• Dog Days

Dog Days


The weekend, the dog days.
It is oppressively hot, south of Vienna, in the no-man's land of freeway feeder roads, shopping centers and single-family houses. The temperature rises, aggression rises. The asphalt blisters. In this sweltering atmosphere six stories set in the same place and time tell of daily life and aggression, nights full of songs and games, sex and violence. Of days filled with solitude, the loss of love, the longing for love. A film about life in all its vulnerability and intimacy.
Dog days, term widely used for the frequently hot and sultry period between July 24th and August 23rd. The name derives from the constellation Canicola (Orion's dog), seen during this time.
Dog Days was Ulrich Seidl's first /openly acknowledged, certified, officially - ie other doc features had fiction elements/ fiction feature film. It won the Grand Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival and had the highest box office of any Austrian film in 2002.

Director's statement
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